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Solution to Understanding Analysis Exercise 4.2

Exercise 4.2.1

See Understanding Analysis Instructors’ Solution Manual Exercise 4.2.5

Exercise 4.2.2

(a) We would like |(5x6)9|<1, that is |5(x3)|<1. Hence we need|x3|<15.Therefore, the largest possible δ is 15.

(b) We would like |x2|<1, that is1<x2<11<x<3.Hence we need 1<x<9, which also implies3<x4<5.Therefore, we must have|x4|<min{|3|,|5|}=3.The largest possible δ is 3.

(c) We would like |[[x]]3|<1. Since [[x]] is an integer, this may happen only if [[x]]=3, therefore 3x<4. We need3πxπ<4π.Hence|xπ|<min{|3π|,|4π|}=π3.The largest possible δ is π3.

(d) We would like |[[x]]3|<0.01. Since [[x]] is an integer, this may happen only if [[x]]=3, therefore 3x<4. We need3πxπ<4π.Hence|xπ|<min{|3π|,|4π|}=π3.The largest possible δ is 3.

Exercise 4.2.3

See Understanding Analysis Instructors’ Solution Manual Exercise 4.2.4

Exercise 4.2.4

(a) We would like|1[[x]]110|<12,namely12<1[[x]]110<12.Therefore25<1[[x]]<35.Since [[x]] cannot be zero, we have x1. Then we have [[x]]>35. Because [[x]] is an integer, [[x]]2. Thus x2 and x108. We have |x10|8. Therefore the largest possible δ is 8.

(b) We would like|1[[x]]110|<150,namely150<1[[x]]110<150.Therefore225<1[[x]]<325.Hence 253<[[x]]<252.Because [[x]] is an integer, 9[[x]]12. Thus 9x<13 and 1x103. We have |x10|1. Therefore the largest possible δ is 1.

(c) The largest ε satisfying the property is 190. For any Vε(10), there is a number x in it such that 9<x<10 . Hence [[x]]=9, we have1[[x]]110=190.Hence there is no suitable δ response possible.

Exercise 4.2.5

(a) Let ε>0. Definition 4.2.1 requires that we produce a δ>0 so that 0<|x2|<δ leads to the conlcusion |(3x+4)10|<ε. Note that|(3x+4)10|=|3x6|=3|x2|.Thus if we choose δ=ε/3, then 0<|x2|<δ implies |(3x+4)10|<ε.

(b) Let ε>0. Definition 4.2.1 requires that we produce a δ>0 so that 0<|x|<δ leads to the conlcusion |x3|<ε. Note that|x3|=|3x6|=|x|3.Thus if we choose δ=ε3, then 0<|x|<δ implies |x30|=|x|3<(ε3)3=ε.(c) Let ε>0. Definition 4.2.1 requires that we produce a δ>0 so that 0<|x2|<δ leads to the conlcusion |(x2+x1)5|<ε. Note that|(x2+x1)5|=|x2||x+3|.We can choose δ1, then |x+3|6. Thus if we choose δ=min{1,ε/6}, then 0<|x|<δ implies |(x2+x1)5|=|x2||x+3|<ε66=ε.(d) Let ε>0. Definition 4.2.1 requires that we produce a δ>0 so that 0<|x3|<δ leads to the conlcusion |1/x1/3|<ε. Note that|1x13|=|x3|3|x|.We can choose δ1, then 2|x|4. Thus if we choose δ=min{1,6ε}, then 0<|x3|<δ implies |1x13|=|x3|3|x|<6ε32=ε.

Exercise 4.2.6

(a) True. A property is true for some set, then it is also true for a subset of this set.

(b) False. In the Definition 4.2.1, the value of f(a) is not involved. In general, it can be any number.

(c) True by Corollary 4.2.4.

(d) False. Take the example f(x)=xa and g(x)=1/(xa) with domain R{a}. Then limxaf(x)g(x)=1.

Exercise 4.2.7

See Understanding Analysis Instructors’ Solution Manual Exercise 4.2.6

Exercise 4.2.8

(a) Does not exist. Note that lim(21/n)=2 and lim(2+1/n)=2, howeverlimf(21/n)=1,limf(2+1/n)=1.By Corollary 4.2.5, limit limx2f(x) does not exist.

(b) The limit is 1. For 0<δ<1/4 and any xVδ(7/4), we have x<2. Hence f(x)=1, for all xVδ(7/4). Hence the limit is 1.

(c) Does not exist. Note that lim1/(2n+1)=0 and lim1/(2n)=0, howeverlimf(1/(2n+1))=lim(1)2n+1=1,limf(1/(2n))=lim(1)2n=1.By Corollary 4.2.5, limit limx0f(x) does not exist.

(d) The limit is zero. For any ε>0, let 0<|x|<ε3, then|x3(1)[[1/x]]|=|x3|<ε.Hence the limit is zero.

Exercise 4.2.9

See Understanding Analysis Instructors’ Solution Manual Exercise 4.2.7

Exercise 4.2.10

(a) We say that limxa+f(x)=L provided that, for all ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that whenever 0<xa<δ it follows that |f(x)L|<ε.

We say that limxaf(x)=M provided that, for all ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that whenever 0<ax<δ it follows that |f(x)M|<ε.

(b) By definition, it is clear that if limxaf(x)=L then both the right and left-hand limits equal L.

Conversely, if both the right and left-hand limits equal L. Since the right limit is L, for all ε>0, there exists a δ1>0 such that whenever 0<xa<δ1 it follows that |f(x)L|<ε. Since the left limit is L, for all ε>0, there exists a δ2>0 such that whenever 0<ax<δ2 it follows that |f(x)L|<ε.

Let δ=min{δ1,δ2}, then whenever 0<|xa|<δ, we have |f(x)L|<ε. Hence limxaf(x)=L.

Exercise 4.2.11

See Understanding Analysis Instructors’ Solution Manual Exercise 4.2.9


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